Quests #
ADOH is still on an active development. We are slowly migrating old Nordock quests over our new quests system, and we have also added many new quests too.
You can check all existing quests on adoh HERE. The sheet contains all the useful info you need to know about requirements, restrictions, rewards, locations, and more!
All quests have specific entries on our custom Quests Journal too!
Quests Custom UI #
All modern quests on ADOH are now based on a custom user interface which includes much more useful information about the conversation, over and above the simple quest description. You are also be able to see quest specifics, possible rewards and each specific quest step.
Introduction (when you first talk to the quest giver; gold exclamation mark):
Uncompleted return (grey question mark):
Completed return (gold question mark):
Confirmation of completion:
Note: some existing quests have not been converted to the new UI yet.