If you have at least 21 Druid levels, or 36 Cleric/Sorcerer/Wizard levels, you can keep 2 summons at the same time, 1 Normal and 1 Epic (Normal: Summon Creature I to IX, Gate, Create Undead, Planar Ally etc + Epic: Mummy Dust Feat or Dragon Knight Feat).
Epic Summon Feats #
- Epic Spell, Mummy Dust: summoned Mummies now scale with caster level giving new and more powerful version of the Mummy at caster level 26-36-40. For level 26 “Spell Focus Conjuration” feat is required, for level 36 “Greater Spell Focus Conjuration” is required – for level 40 “Epic Spell Focus Conjuration” is required. If the character hasn’t any Spell Focus Conjuration feat, the standard Mummy is summoned.
- Epic Spell, Dragon Knight: lasts (caster level / 4 + 10 turns), summoned Dragon now scale with caster level giving new and more powerful version of the Dragon at caster level 26-36-40. For level 26 “Spell Focus Conjuration” feat is required, for level 36 “Greater Spell Focus Conjuration” is required – for level 40 “Epic Spell Focus Conjuration” is required. If the character hasn’t any Spell Focus Conjuration feat, the standard Dragon is summoned.
You can have ONLY one Epic Summon active per time. According to your level, summoning another while you still have one active, can un-summon the current one or failing to summon the new one.
Standard Summon Spells #
- Summon Creature IX & Elemental Swarm: Summoned Elementals scale with caster level, giving new and more powerful version of the Elemental at caster level 21/26/31/36/40. For level 31 Elemental, “Spell Focus Conjuration” is required, for level 36 Elemental “Greater Spell Focus Conjuration” is required for level 40 Elemental, “Epic Spell Focus Conjuration” Conjuration is required. If character hasn’t any Spell Focus Conjuration feat, the scaling stops at caster level 26.
- Gate: lasts 1 turn each 4 caster levels. If the character using the spell is of any Evil alignment, a Balor is summoned, if Good, a Solar is summoned, and if neutral, there is a 50% chance to summon one or the other. Summoned Creature scales with caster level, giving new and more powerful version at caster level 26/31/36/40 – for level 31 creature “Spell Focus Conjuration” is required, for lvl 36 creature “Greater Spell Focus Conjuration” is required – for lvl 40 creature “Epic Spell Focus Conjuration” is required. If character hasn’t any Spell Focus Conjuration feat, the scaling stops at lvl 26.
- Animate Dead: summons a Ghast up to Caster Level 6. A Skeleton Warrior from Caster Level 6 to Caster Level 10. A Skeleton Chieftain from Caster Level 10.
- Create Undead: summons a Skeleton Chieftain up to Caster Level 12. A Skeleton Guardian from Caster Level 12 up to Caster Level 14. A Doom Knight from Caster Level 14 up to Caster Level 16. A Lich from Caster Level 16 up to Caster Level 21. A more powerful Lich is summoned at Caster level 21 and 26
- Create Greater Undead: scales like Create Undead, changing Creatures at Caster Level 16, 18, 21, 26, 31. Summons a Legendary Vampire Priest at Caster Level 26. A Blood Lich at Caster Level 31.
- Planar Ally & Planar Binding: based on character alignment. If Evil, summons a Succubus up to Caster Level 18, then a Vrock. If Good, summons a Hound Archon up to Caster Level 18, then a Celestial Avenger. If Neutral, summons a Green Slaad up to Caster Level 18, then a Slaad of Death.
- Lesser Planar Binding: based on character alignment. If Evil, summons an Imp up to Caster Level 15, then a Succubus. If Good, summons a Lantern Archon up Caster Level 15, then a Hound Archon. If Neutral, summons a Red Slaad up to Caster Level 15, then a Green Slaad.
- Greater Planar Binding: based on character alignment. If Evil, summons a Vrock up to Caster Level 21, then an Ancient Vrock. If Good, summons a Celestial Avenger up to Caster Level 21, then an Ancient Celestial Avenger. If Neutral, summons a Slaad of Death up to Caster Level 21, then a Death Slaad Lord.
- Black Blade of Disaster: default summoned blade has been powered up. Summoned Blade Enhancement, damage and base statistics are enhanced based on Master main ability (CHA for Sorcerers, INT for Wizards). Concentration checks at each round still required to keep the blade up.
- Summon Shadow, Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration: summoned shadow scales with caster level. A Shadow Mastiff is summoned up to level 6. From level 7 a Shadow Fiend is summoned. This Shadow Fiend improves at level 11, 15 and 20. The level 20 Shadow is an Ancient Shadow Fiend.
Black Guard Summons #
- Create Undead: scales with the Black Guard levels. Summons a Doomknight up to BG level 7. A Lich at BG level 7. A Better Lich is summoned at BG level 10, 15, 19 and 25. (BG lvl 19 summon is a Vampire Priest).
- Summon Fiend: scales with Black Guard levels. Summons a Vrock up to BG level 9. An Ancient Vrock is summoned from BG level 9 to BG level 15. An Epic Vrock is summoned from BG level 15 IF the BG has the Epic Fiendish Servant feat.
Shadow Dancer Summons #
- Summon Shadow: scales with Shadow Dancer levels. Summons a Shadow Fiend up to SD level 6. A Greater Shadow Fiend from SD level 6 to SD level 9. An Ancient Shadow Lord form SD level 9 to SD level 10. An Epic Shadow Lord from SD level 10 IF the SD has the Epic Shadow Lord feat.
Pale Master Summons #
- Summon Undead: scales with Pale Master levels. Summons a Skeleton Chieftain up to PM level 5. A DoomKnight from PM level 5 to PM level 7. A Vampire Mage from PM level 7 to PM level 9. A Lich from PM level 9.
- Summon Greater Undead: scales with Pale Master levels. Summons a Lich up to PM level 10. Summons a more powerful Lich at PM level 10, 16. Summons a Vampire Priest at PM level 20. A Blood Lich at PM level 24. An Angel of Death at PM level 30 (this summon is available to Pale Masters ONLY).
Familiars and Animal Companions #
- Summoned familiars and animal companions will scale with their Master level and main ability modifier.
- Their statistics will scale based on Master’s Caster Level and Master’s MAIN Ability Modifier (INT for Wizards, CHA for Sorcerers, WIS for Druids and Rangers).
- Each type of companion/familiar has its own scaling table of abilities and feats. If you need to know more. Create a Test character in the TEST area.
- Druid Companions can be buffed with Magic Fang Spells and Awaken Spell.
Druids #
Pure Druids #
Pure Druids (40 levels of Druid), will summon a more powerful version of the following spells at Caster Level 40 with Epic Spell Focus Conjuration Feat (Colossal Creatures):
- Mummy Dust
- Dragon Knight
- Summon Creature I to IX (Druids will summon the NEXT creature table. I.E: when using Summon Creature I, a creature from Summon Creature II will be summoned.)
- Elemental Swarm
Clerics #
- If a Cleric has Animal Domain, all creatures coming from Summon Creature I to IX, will be automatically Unique
- A cleric with Good/Evil Domain, will make automatic Unique creatures from any Summon Planar Ally spell and Gate
- A cleric with Death Domain will make automatic Unique creatures from any Cleric Summon Undead spell
- A cleric with Air, Water, Earth or Fire domain will have the summon of that specific element get Unique bonus when summoned.
- Negative Plane Avatar (Cleric Death Domain Summon): Summons a Shadow Mastif up to cleric level 5, from level 6 summons a Shadow Fiend that improves at cleric level 13, 21, 26, 31, 36 and 40. For the level 31 version, Spell Focus Necromancy feat is required. For the level 36 version, Greater Spell Focus Necromancy is required. For the level 40 version, Epic Spell Focus Necromancy is required. If the character has no Spell Focus Necromancy feats, the scaling stops at level 26.
- Shambling Mound (Cleric Plant Domain Summon): Summons a Shambling Mound that scales with cleric levels. A new version is granted at levels 6, 13, 21, 26, 31, 36 and 40. For the level 31 version, Spell Focus Conjuration feat is required. For the level 36 version, Greater Spell Focus Conjuration is required. For the level 40 version, Epic Spell Focus Conjuration is required. If the character has no Spell Focus Conjuration feats, the scaling stops at level 26.