Completed Items & Character NUI Editor! #
We have completed the rework of the Items and Character Editor, now completely made with custom NUI!
- You will be able to edit your items via a custom interface: Armor, Helmet, Cloak, Shield and Weapon
- You will be able to edit some of your character details: Skin color, Hair color, Tattoo color, Portrait, Sound set, Wings model, Phenotype and Description

Restrictions: #
- You won’t be able to edit your Armor, Helmet or Cloak appearance if your current character appearance is not a default humanoid appearance (human, elf, half-orc, etc.)
- You won’t be able to edit your Skin color, Hair Color, Tattoo color, Wings model and Phenotype if your current character appearance is not one of the default humanoid appearances (human, elf, half-orc, etc.)
- Mobile users will have problems in using these new custom systems (mobile is not being updated by Beamdog anymore). We are looking for a workaround
Mandatory Portraits and Sound sets: #
Starting from this patch, all players on ADOH will share the same Portrait and Sound Set packs (available during both character creation and while editing your character appearance in-game)
- We have added a big portraits pack with more than 600 unique portraits, including base game portraits, and new ones
- We have added all known Sound Sets available to the game as well
This was an inevitable required change, otherwise the custom editor does not function properly
- Because of this change, if you have a character with a portrait coming from a custom portrait pack that we are not yet supporting, you will most likely have the portrait changed to another one from our custom pack
- You can use the new character editor to change your portrait, selecting one of those available
We are open to suggestions for more portraits to be added for everyone. If you like a portrait pack we still haven’t added, send the link to us, and we will give it a check! We don’t 100% assure that all portraits will be added.
- Slightly adjusted Moore Raid first boss fight: slightly increased AB, added a few more helpers, fixed cages
- Slightly adjusted Planes of Rage first boss fight: slightly increased AB, added a few more helpers
- Added Pure Damage to Hellspawn mob
- Added system to record dungeon runs total time, for the upcoming Event
- Mounts are now allowed inside any Dungeon and Raid area, regardless of the dungeon area interior/exterior/natural/artificial setting
- Replaced damage visual effect for some spells which can deal Pure damage
- Fixed an issue with skin items, and dwarf appearance not being set properly
- Fixed an issue with PDK Shield spell-ability
- Fixed an issue with spell immunity check not working properly sometimes
- Fixed Dungeon custom NUI window not updating if the window is open and the instance gets deleted
- Fixed dungeon custom NUI window closing automatically with some dungeon entrances
- Fixed repeatable Quests not showing text in custom quest NUI conversation
- Fixed some Quests max level not matching the max level of the content in the quest