On ADOH, Weapon Master follows the vanilla ruleset.
Prestige Class #
Hit die: d10
Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies are granted.
Skill points: 2 + int modifier
Skills: discipline, heal, intimidate, listen, lore, ride, spot
Unavailable feats: brew potion, craft wand, curse song, divine might, divine shield, extra music, extra turning, lingering song, quicken spell, scribe scroll, spell focus, weapon specialization
These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of weapon master.
Primary saving throw(s): reflex
Base attack bonus: +1/level
Weapon Master Requirements #
Base attack bonus: +5
Feats: dodge, mobility, expertise, spring attack, weapon focus in a melee weapon, and whirlwind attack
Skills: intimidate 4 ranks
Note: Getting these feats requires dexterity and intelligence scores of at least 13.
Weapon Master Level Progression #
Level | Base attack bonus | Saves (Fort / Reflex / Will) | Feats | HP | AB bonus |
1st | +1 | 0 / 2 / 0 | ki damage weapon of choice | 10 | – |
2nd | +2 | 0 / 3 / 0 | 20 | – | |
3rd | +3 | 1 / 3 / 1 | 30 | – | |
4th | +4 | 1 / 4 / 1 | 40 | – | |
5th | +5 | 1 / 4 / 1 | increased multiplier superior weapon focus (+1 AB) | 50 | +1 |
6th | +6 | 2 / 5 / 2 | 60 | +1 | |
7th | +7 | 2 / 5 / 2 | ki critical | 70 | +1 |
8th | +8 | 2 / 6 / 2 | 80 | +1 | |
9th | +9 | 3 / 6 / 3 | 90 | +1 | |
10th | +10 | 3 / 7 / 3 | 100 | +1 |
Weapon Master Guard #
Bonus feats: The epic weapon master gains a bonus feat every three levels. In other words, at levels 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28.
Epic bonus feats: armor skin, blinding speed, devastating critical, epic damage reduction, epic toughness, epic prowess, epic weapon focus, improved whirlwind attack, overwhelming critical, planar turning, superior initiative, weapon of choice
The inclusion of planar turning in the bonus feat list is probably a bug.
Unavailable epic feats: automatic quicken spell, automatic silent spell, automatic still spell, bane of enemies, construct shape, dragon shape, epic spell penetration, epic spell: dragon knight, epic spell: epic mage armor, epic spell: epic warding, epic spell: greater ruin, epic spell: hellball, epic spell: mummy dust, epic weapon specialization, great smiting, improved ki strike 4, improved ki strike 5, improved sneak attack, improved spell resistance, improved stunning fist, lasting inspiration, mighty rage, outsider shape, terrifying rage, thundering rage, undead shape
These general epic feats cannot be selected when taking a level of weapon master.
Epic Weapon Master Level Progression #
Level | Feats | HP | AB bonus |
11th | 110 | +1 | |
12th | 120 | +1 | |
13th | bonus feat superior weapon focus (+1 AB) | 130 | +2 |
14th | 140 | +2 | |
15th | 150 | +2 | |
16th | bonus feat superior weapon focus (+1 AB) | 160 | +3 |
17th | 170 | +3 | |
18th | 180 | +3 | |
19th | bonus feat superior weapon focus (+1 AB) | 190 | +4 |
20th | 200 | +4 | |
21st | 210 | +4 | |
22nd | bonus feat superior weapon focus (+1 AB) | 220 | +5 |
23rd | 230 | +5 | |
24th | 240 | +5 | |
25th | bonus feat superior weapon focus (+1 AB) | 250 | +6 |
26th | 260 | +6 | |
27th | 270 | +6 | |
28th | bonus feat superior weapon focus (+1 AB) | 280 | +7 |
29th | 290 | +7 | |
30th | 300 | +7 |
Weapon Master Class Tips #
- Without bonus feats to help meet this class’ prerequisites, the earliest a character could become a weapon master is character level 16. Humans can become weapon masters at 13 thanks to their bonus.
- Bonus feats from Fighter and Divine Champion can be used to meet the prerequisites earlier. The earliest a character can become a weapon master is at character level 7, and this requires four fighter levels if playing a non-human race, two if playing a human.