Trommel Woods is in disarray with an increase in animal attacks that threatens trade between Brosna and Benzor. Also, a growing number of orcs roam the area and attack those who travel through the woods.
- Duke Mathal has sent two Rangers to deal with the issues but progress is slow. Soldiers are on the way but until the cause of the problems has been discovered travel in the woods is unsafe.
- As if this was not enough the ore production from Trommel Mines has come to a halt. The cause of this is unknown but surely related somehow.
New Trommel Woods area is for level 5-20 characters with a quest line that ends with a new level 25-30 dungeon!

Associates AI should now be easier to manage:
- If an associate is set on Follow Mode, it will follow the master regardless of anything happening. It won’t reply to hostilities in any case, it won’t perform AOO, and will limit itself in following the master.
- If an associate is set on Hold the Ground, it will hold the ground and won’t join in melee hostilities even if attacked, or even if the master gets attacked. It still could reply with ranged actions, like spells.
- When an associate is set on Hold the Ground, and it spots an enemy, it will warn you that it isn’t able to engage, with a VFX over its own head, and if the creature has the associated voice line, it will also speak the
spotted enemy
voice line. - Associates hit by AOE on ground should no longer dance in place, moving in and out without control.
- Dispel Protection: +1/+20. This property protects the wielder against dispel attempts. Each effect on the wielder receives a bonus from 1 to a max of 20 to its caster level, when checking against a dispel attempt. The bonus is valid only for as long as the item is worn. Effects from multiple sources do stack up to the cap of +20.
- Bigby Protection: +1/+20. This property protects the wielder against Bigby Spells, by reducing the DC to resist a Bigby Spell by 1 to a max of 20. The bonus is valid only for as long as the item is worn. Effects from multiple sources do stack up to the cap of +20.
The RAID mechanic that petrified a random character in the party has been reworked: Its now called, Ancestral Prison, and works as follows.
- The player selected is not random anymore. When the mechanic is run, each player on the boss mechanic range is looped and checked. Each player then performs a DEX save vs the mechanic DC, and the first player to fail the save will get hit by it.
- The mechanic will imprison the player for 6 seconds, and the player will be unable to move.
- While imprisoned, you receive a damage immunity decrease effect, or a damage immunity increase effect, based on the amount of allies near you. The more allies you have near, the stronger the damage immunity increase. On the contrary, if there is no one nearby, the boss will have total control over you, and you will receive a damage immunity decrease for the duration of the mechanic.
- The specific formula is the following:
-50 + ((NumOfPlayersNearby - 1) * 20)
- If the final value is positive, you receive a damage immunity increased effect, if negative, you receive a damage immunity decreased effect, against physical sources (bludgeoning, slashing, piercing), for the duration of the mechanic.
- The specific formula is the following:
- Once you get imprisoned, the boss will immediately try to reach you. If its near, it will just switch target to focus you, or if far, it will jump over you.

The exploder mechanic has been redesigned:
- Once an exploder creature joins the battlefield, if will select a random player. Once selected, that creature will permanently follow that player, trying to explode near him, until destroyed.
- If that player dies, or logs out, the creature will select a new target.

- Boss pillars cannot be taken down in 1 hit with Word of Faith anymore. Their HPs have been reduced by a lot because of this change.
- Pillars how have specific resistances and vulnerabilities. Some spells and damage types can be very effective against them.
Since the hardest part of a boss fight, specially for RAID boss fights, is the beginning, where you have to deal with the boss itself, and all its allies, we have decided to adjust the boss mechanics as follows:
- When the fight begins, the boss will be on its First Stage. That stage will have the boss run simple mechanics, easy enough to manage, while you also deal with all the boss allies.
- Once the boss gets damaged enough and so it remains without heal potions/spells, the Second Stage beings. On this stage, mechanics become a little harder, a bit more frequent and a bit harder to manage.
- Once the boss gets near death, that is when the Third Stage will kick in: on this stage, the boss will unleash its full power against you, with complex, frequent and harder mechanics to follow, up to the boss death.
You can check specific mechanics chances for a specific stage for each dungeon level on the official mechanics page.
This change was done to keep the attention and to keep a sort of progression through the entire boss fight, instead of having the hard part only at the beginning of a boss fight.
All RAID bosses have a new default mechanic, called Berserk Mechanic. If the fight against the boss gets too long, after 20 minutes the boss will enter on a berserk mode, getting more AB, more damage, and more attacks per round.
- Added a default deity to all characters that were missing one. Also added a default deity to all new characters at first login if missing one. A small workaround, while waiting for a real deities system.
- Looking for Party (LFP), set to always work and be distributed in chat and on Discord, even if no one online is currently in range.
- Removed several not working booze items from the game, replaced everything with existing and working booze items.
- Replaced several not working healing kits with base game ones.
- Replaced many not working grenades with base game ones.
- TEST characters can now use Pick Pocket against creatures in the fight test zones.
- TEST characters can now use the character appearance editor.
- All character appearance editors can now be used inside of the main cities + any no-pvp zone.
- Added a mini character editor for those appearances that only have a limited list of editing options (all non-default skins)
- Creatures affected by Terrifying rage now receive a VFX over head to easily identify those that have been affected
- Added a more-info button in Mounts UI, to better understand how to use them
- Added some new Brilliant Items and Purple Legendary Items
- Re-designed Isnar boss fight in Castle Moore RAID.
- Removed some of the most invasive sounds from Plane of Rage. Also reduced area sounds volumes overall by a lot
- Removed Epic Shadow Lord death aura and replaced with other utility auras
- Fixed VFX-at-location system not working properly inside of instanced dungeons
- Fixed some Boss creature saves getting too high on some cases
- Fixed Disco Mirror persistent effect variable not being removed properly
- Fixed oil flask use against ground not working as a grenade
- Fixed Mounts in stores having no cost in gold
- Fixed scrolls scribe system not allowing Clerics to scribe domain spells
- Fixed new Scrap forge not checking if a socketable item in the forge still had some gems in it before scrapping
- Fixed Spiked Surface property not checking creature weapons
- Fixed a case where damage could be applied to plot creatures
- Fixed in-game Werewolf race description
- Fixed KuoToa pool respawn time being too long
- Fixed base Giant Hills not being considered valid for a specific quest
- Fixed Terrifying rage in-game description