On ADOH, Champion of Torm became Divine Champion and has the following differences from the vanilla (base game) one:
- Can select Great Charisma as an epic Bonus Feat
- Divine Wrath feat has been customized
- Bastard Sword can be used by Divine Champions by default (Exotic Weapon Proficiency not required)
Prestige Class #
Hit die: d10
Proficiencies: armor (light, medium), shields, weapons (martial, simple, bastard sword)
Skill points: 2 + int modifier
Skills: craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, lore, parry, ride, spot
Unavailable feats: brew potion, craft wand, curse song, divine might, divine shield, extra music, extra turning, lingering song, quicken spell, scribe scroll, spell focus, weapon specialization
These general feats cannot be selected when taking a level of champion of Torm.
Bonus feats: ambidexterity, armor proficiency (heavy), blind fight, called shot, cleave, deflect arrows, disarm, dodge, expertise, great cleave, improved critical, improved disarm, improved expertise, improved knockdown, improved parry, improved power attack, improved two-weapon fighting, improved unarmed strike, knockdown, mobility, point blank shot, power attack, rapid shot, spring attack, stunning fist, two-weapon fighting, weapon finesse, weapon focus, weapon proficiency (exotic), whirlwind attack
Primary saving throw(s): fortitude and reflex
Base attack bonus: +1/level
Divine Champion Requirements #
Alignment: any non-evil
Base attack bonus: +7
Feats: weapon focus in a melee weapon
Divine Champion Level Progression #
Level | Base attack bonus | Saves (Fort / Reflex / Will) | Feats | HP | Save bonus | Divine wrath |
1st | +1 | 2 / 0 / 0 | lay on hands | 10 | – | – |
2nd | +2 | 3 / 0 / 0 | bonus feat sacred defense +1 | 20 | +1 | – |
3rd | +3 | 3 / 1 / 1 | smite evil | 30 | +1 | – |
4th | +4 | 4 / 1 / 1 | bonus feat sacred defense +1 | 40 | +2 | – |
5th | +5 | 4 / 1 / 1 | divine wrath | 50 | +2 | +3 15/+20 100hp shield |
6th | +6 | 5 / 2 / 2 | bonus feat sacred defense +1 | 60 | +3 | +3 16/+20 110hp shield |
7th | +7 | 5 / 2 / 2 | 70 | +3 | +3 17/+20 120hp shield | |
8th | +8 | 6 / 2 / 2 | bonus feat sacred defense +1 | 80 | +4 | +3 18/+20 130hp shield |
9th | +9 | 6 / 3 / 3 | 90 | +4 | +3 19/+20 140hp shield | |
10th | +10 | 7 / 3 / 3 | bonus feat sacred defense +1 divine wrath +2 | 100 | +5 | +5 20/+20 150hp shield |
Epic Divine Champion #
Bonus feats: The epic champion of Torm gains a bonus feat every four levels. In other words, at levels 14, 18, 22, 26, and 30.
Epic bonus feats: armor skin, automatic quicken spell, automatic silent spell, automatic still spell, devastating critical, epic damage reduction, epic prowess, epic spell focus, epic spell penetration, epic toughness, epic weapon focus, epic weapon specialization, great charisma, great smiting, great wisdom, improved combat casting, improved stunning fist, improved whirlwind attack, overwhelming critical, planar turning, superior initiative
Unavailable epic feats: bane of enemies, construct shape, dragon shape, epic spell: dragon knight, epic spell: epic mage armor, epic spell: epic warding, epic spell: greater ruin, epic spell: hellball, epic spell: mummy dust, improved ki strike 4, improved ki strike 5, improved sneak attack, improved spell resistance, lasting inspiration, mighty rage, outsider shape, terrifying rage, thundering rage, undead shape
These general epic feats cannot be selected when taking a level of champion of Torm.
Epic Divine Champion Level Progression #
Level | Feats | HP | Save bonus | Divine wrath |
11th | 110 | +5 | +5 21/+20 160hp shield | |
12th | sacred defense +1 | 120 | +6 | +5 22/+20 170hp shield |
13th | 130 | +6 | +5 23/+20 180hp shield | |
14th | bonus feat sacred defense +1 | 140 | +7 | +5 24/+20 190hp shield |
15th | divine wrath +2 | 150 | +7 | +7 25/+20 200hp shield |
16th | sacred defense +1 | 160 | +8 | +7 26/+20 210hp shield |
17th | 170 | +8 | +7 27/+20 220hp shield | |
18th | bonus feat sacred defense +1 | 180 | +9 | +7 28/+20 230hp shield |
19th | 190 | +9 | +7 29/+20 240hp shield | |
20th | sacred defense +1 divine wrath +2 | 200 | +10 | +9 30/+20 250hp shield |
21st | 210 | +10 | +9 31/+20 260hp shield | |
22nd | bonus feat sacred defense +1 | 220 | +11 | +9 32/+20 270hp shield |
23rd | 230 | +11 | +9 33/+20 280hp shield | |
24th | sacred defense +1 | 240 | +12 | +9 34/+20 290hp shield |
25th | divine wrath +2 | 250 | +12 | +11 35/+20 300hp shield |
26th | bonus feat sacred defense +1 | 260 | +13 | +11 36/+20 310hp shield |
27th | 270 | +13 | +11 37/+20 320hp shield | |
28th | sacred defense +1 | 280 | +14 | +11 38/+20 330hp shield |
29th | 290 | +14 | +11 39/+20 340hp shield | |
30th | bonus feat sacred defense +1 divine wrath +2 | 300 | +15 | +13 40/+20 350hp shield |
Divine Champion Class Tips #
- If weapon specialization has been taken on a fighter level (requires level 4 fighter), epic weapon specialization can be taken as an epic Divine Champion bonus feat.
- Levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Divine Champion bonus feats, if taken after character level 20, can be used to select feats from the epic Divine Champion bonus feat list.