Introduction #
- Dungeons and raids are some of the most exciting parts of the Nordock world.
- Once you reach level 15 (ECL Included), you are able to access LVL 15+ Nordock Dungeons. Later, other dungeons become available at higher levels.
- Depending on your build and equipment, newer players might want to venture in there with a group of adventurers, since it may be challenging alone.
- Some dungeons should be attempted by a group of adventurers, while others can be soloed.
- Boss fights inside of these dungeons will be harder then default fights, and will involve also some specific mechanics
LVL 15+ Dungeons – minimum LVL required 15 (all soloable): #
- Graktan Throne
- Dread Castle
- Glondar’s Crypt
- Gorgoroth Cave
- Grim Gorge
- Royal Palace Ruins
LVL 21+ Dungeons – minimum LVL required 21 (all soloable): #
- Old Tower
- Frozen Lair
- Plaguelands
- Stonehammer Mines
- Blackscale Camp
- Annihilator Hideout
- Hidden Forest
- Trommel Magic Forest
The final bosses and mini-bosses in these dungeons will drop Epic Tokens and have chance for an Epic Item.
LVL 40+ Dungeons minimum LVL required 30: #
- Damned Tower (Solo possible, party suggested. Special drop chances)
- Temple of Death (Solo possible, party suggested. Special drop chances)
- Fury Tower (Solo possible, party suggested. Special drop chances)
- Temple of the Archer of the Desert (Solo possible, party suggested. Special drop chances)
- Gnarled Fist Monastery (Solo only, minimum level 35, Special drop chances)
- Elder Wyrm
- Temple of the Dead Wyrm God
- Goblin Armory
The final bosses and mini-bosses in these dungeons will drop both Boss Tokens and have a chance to also drop Nordock Items.
Special level 40 dungeons like Damned Tower, Temple of Death, Fury Tower, Gnarled Fist Monastery and Temple of the Archer of the Desert have special drop chances, they can also drop Socketable Gems and even some Legendary Purple Items
LVL 40+ Raids minimum LVL required 35+ (Not soloable): #
- Castle Moore (minimum level 35)
- Black Deep (minimum level 39)
- Plane of Rage (minimum level 30)
- Gurnal City (minimum level 39)
- Ancient Temple Ruins (minimum level 39)
- Frozen Throne (minimum level 39)
Raids Specifics: #
- On each Raid you will have to fight 3/4 major Bosses.
- Raids take much longer to be completed compared to solo other type of dungeons. Before adventuring into a raid, be sure you have at least 1 hour available.
- Fixed and chance loot for each Raid can be checked HERE.
Party Leader Port: #
- A Dawn of Heroes has a ‘port to leader’ functionality that enables parties to group up around the leader from distant locations. Portals are located around the world and in any temple.
- The ability to port to the party leader inside dungeons is DISABLED.
- Dungeons parties will have to gather outside the dungeon and enter together.
- If a player dies inside the dungeon, he MUST be resurrected by someone inside that dungeon to remain in that dungeon (Resurrection from Balm without corpse is DISABLED inside dungeons. Read Death & Resurrection system for more info).
Dungeon Player Cooldown (CD): #
Dungeons are popular destinations but you cannot immediately repeat a dungeon after completion. There is a cooldown (CD) period. The duration of the cooldown is based on the dungeon level:
- LVL 15+ Dungeons: 3 hours CD
- LVL 21+ Dungeons: 6 hours CD
- LVL 40 Dungeons: 9 hours CD
- RAIDS: 12 hours CD
When you enter a dungeon, an instance of that dungeon is created. This means that the dungeon is for you (or your party) alone but other characters/parties can venture into the same dungeons and get their own version. You do not have to wait for a party to finish a dungeon before starting. Separate parties can enjoy the same dungeon simultaneously! The character gets bound to a specific instance.
- If you try to enter the same dungeon before the CD expires, you won’t be allowed to.
- This CD is applied to each player entering the dungeon/Raid.
- Use your Player Menu to check your personal Dungeons Status. You will be able to see when a complete dungeon becomes available again.
- To learn where Dungeons are located, check our map on the homepage!
Dungeons Entrance #
When clicking on a dungeon entrance, a custom interface window will appear. In this window, you see:
- A short dungeon story
- Some information about the dungeon parameters
- Possible loot
- Your “bound” status. The status of the dungeon is dynamically updated by checking your bound status and by cross-checking any party members.
This UI informs adventurers of impending dangers so avoiding accidental entry by the ill-prepared.
Run Mode Section #
If there is an event active for a specific dungeon, you will see the option to select “normal” or “event” clickable. Event modes can be harder and can require a specific gear.