- Removed existing 18 Lowerdark areas. Replaced by Lowerdark – Black Lake, Barrows, Deep Caverns and Lluth Dreir Crypts.
- Lowerdark – Black Lake area is now connected to Trommel Mines.
- Deep Caverns is connected to Underdark – Deep Caverns – Central (the Derro areas).
- Encounters are CR 10-20 more or less in the outside areas. In Barrows and also in the Lluth Dreir crypt spawns mostly scale to CR 25. Also the fire based creatures near the Magma fields area mostly scale to CR 25.
- Quest Giver in Underdark Central for Lluth Dreir Quests.
- Removed Existing Common Wood area and replaced with a new one. The new one has a base for Red Claw Orcs. One quest giver here.
- A new quest giver in Benzor Temple of Life to scout the Lluth Dreir crypts.

Merged together Benzor Temple Sewers with Benzor Main Sewers System into a single area.
It is possible to reach the Main Sewers System from Temple’s Sewers via a locked door.
- Adjusted Cooldown for Rod of the Unique, World Boss Creator and Balm of Pure Resurrection to 16 hours (down from 24)
- Added some new visual effects to use on future mechanics, spells and abilities
- Slightly decreased Gnarled Fist Monastery Final Boss Master Kwai AC and AB
- Removed Black Deep Scum summon from Shandaular Raid Boss. Replaced with Epic Warding 1 time use.
- Belt of the Infernal Hunter: Reduced Blinding Speed duration to 10 rounds.
- Added Death Immunity belt to Marika the Fallen.
- Expanded Quests system, quests can how reward also Mounts and/or Pets.
- Added minimum level requirement for Head Hunter Guild portals and Quests, to avoid receiving a quest before meeting the minimum level required to enter the dungeon that is the objective for that quest.
- Adjusted Boss Shout Mechanic in dungeons: when the boss spots a player, he constantly makes linked creatures check for hostiles to attack.
- Improved performances on AOE spell objects with heartbeat effects
- Doubled the time before a corpse is deleted from the game while inside of a Dungeon/Raid Instance.
- Animals spawning as Unique can now drop loot
- Added check to traps to prevent firing the OnEnter script more than once per second
- Improved Dungeon Mechanics objects spawn safe location check
- Added dynamic cooldown to the Areas Cleanup System, based on the amount of online Players
- Replaced Risen Lord shifter ability with Aura of Cold
- Added Masterius Full Power as purchasable in-game appearance. (Big thank to peter d for the fix!)
- Fixed several mist placeables in areas not flagged as static
- Fixed Goblin’s Armory final boss Improved Invisibility caster level
- Fixed several quests and text typos in Trommel Woods area
- Fixed GTS crafting system animals carcass generation
- Fixed Gold Resurrection option in Fugue showing up when the default resurrection method still allowed for a lower XP ress penalty.
- Fixed Bria’s Sickle of the Forest cursed flag.
- Fixed Final Boss encounter in Goblin’s Armory being picked as Wandering Monster during rests.
- Fixed Gurnal Island Crypt main boss not firing spells
- Fixed What Torm Demands! quest, where Paladin Supporters could land the final blow on the main boss.
- Fixed Racial Smell Enemy ability not retrieving the proper race name for smelled creatures
- Fixed Glyph of Warding being triggered by non-hostile creatures
- Fixed Dispel effects removing creature auras from friendly targets
- Fixed Nature’s Balance spell permanently reducing creatures Spells Resistance
- Fixed Mounts Speed not being restored when an item with haste was equipped/unequipped.
- Fixed a couple of SQL calls on non-player objects
- Fixed a rare case of Encounters resetting if all the creatures spawns from it already died.
- Fixed Discord Webhooks fail loop in rare cases
- Fixed hard coded Wounding effect apply itself endlessly to immortal creatures.
- Fixed Stinking Cloud and Web shifter abilities DC not scaling with Shifter levels.